Carma Gorman

Carma R. Gorman

Carma R. Gorman (PhD, Art History, Berkeley, 1998) will serve as a Visiting Scholar and Project Faculty for the Institute, contributing a seminar on her recent research on the subject of design and the law, as well as assisting with consultations and being present for the capstone Group Presentations during the Institute’s final week. She is an associate professor in the Design Division of the Department of Art and Art History at the University of Texas at Austin. She has published reviews and articles in American Quarterly, Design and Culture, Design Issues, Journal of Design History, Studies in the Decorative Arts, and Winterthur Portfolio. She has edited a primary-source anthology called The Industrial Design Reader (2003), and with David Raizman, has co-edited Objects, Audiences, and Literatures: Alternative Narratives in the History of Design (2007). She is a past president of the Design Studies Forum and an associate editor of the journal Design and Culture.